Friday, December 17, 2010

hubby masak utk ummi

hubby saya mmg seorang yg sangat baik dan penyayang and caring and penyabar and mcm2 lagi. antara benda yg sweet yg pernah dia buat utk ummi is dia sgt suka masak. sooooooo sweet. guys (especially husbands) should know that ladies (their wife) finds it so sweet and romantic when they cook for them. even if the taste isn't that good...the act in itself makes us feel special. maka, masaklah hubby utk ummi. antara benda yg dimasaknya ialah ikan siakap sweet n sour, sayur sawi, ayam masak merah dan sosej goreng dgn lobak. to was the best food i've ever eaten. gambar yg diambil tak berapa clear. sorry kay. but don't you think it's sooooo sweet??


muhamadsufian89 said...

nak belajar masak jugak la camni..hehe

cik.shabah said...

bestnya ada suami mcm ummi...bila la cik shabah nak kawen ni!keh keh keh ;p

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